Thriving Talents is proud to introduce some of our new programs in store for you! Customers continue to come to us, and their interests have focused on four key areas, as the economy opens up, and we continue to deal with post-pandemic stressors. The four new programs that we are proud to introduce to you are:

  1. Sales Leadership 360
  2. Financial Resiliency Program
  3. Managing & Leading Hybrid Teams
  4. Hi-Po Development Program 

We believe these programs will have our customers put their best foot forward, and face the new year, (and the new normal) with hope and optimism. 

Here is a brief rundown of the new programs: 

Sales Leadership 360

As the economy opens up, organisations recognise the importance of sales to their business. This program enables leaders to realise the importance of their role as coach and manager, how to get the best out of their team, and lead them to success. Find out how you can drive home lessons that your team will find unforgettable, learn how to tame emotions and redirect them in a positive way, what techniques you can use to get your salespeople unstuck, as well as create a competitive yet collaborative culture amongst your salesforce. 

By the end of this program, participants will learn how to develop the right strategy, sequence, and scripts to be not just another Manager, but ultimately, a great Leader who brings the best in their team members.

Participants can also look forward to learning how to scale their sales coaching using AI-powered role play simulations!

It provides a “virtual pitch partner” that uses conversational AI to have actual discussions with sales reps, score them, and help them improve on their own.

Financial Resiliency Program

In the post-pandemic era, we find that individuals continue to experience significant financial stress as they worry about what the future holds for them in an uncertain economy. Given this need we have identified, we have designed a Financial Resiliency Workshop. This workshop focuses on helping participants to: 

  • Have a better idea of their personal financial standing
  • Able to set a realistic financial goal that is customised based on their individual priorities instead of blindly following the masses
  • Understand what is important as they execute their financial plan
  • Remove financial stress

Managing & Leading Hybrid Teams

In the next normal, hybrid teams have become prominent. In a research paper by Microsoft, it was discovered that 82% of leaders said their companies were at least as productive as they were before the pandemic.

Hybrid workplaces allow workers flexibility in how they utilize their time, avoiding busy commuting hours, being able to fully focus without a noisy office environment, and choosing to work at the hours when they feel most productive. In a separate study conducted by SurveyMonkey in 2020, employees who worked remotely reported feeling happier than their colleagues who remained working in the office. Being able to have more control of their food by cooking more, spending time with their loved ones, having a dog by their side are all benefits that organisations should take into account, as having employees who are happier, better rested, and less stressed will be able to produce better work. 

But how do we manage these hybrid teams and optimise their effectiveness and efficiency? Given this challenge, we have designed and run “Managing & Leading Hybrid Teams” for some of our esteemed clients in the past two months. We have had positive responses to these modules and believe they will continue to add value to our participants in this new era. 

Outcomes you can expect from the program are as follows:

  • Learn the effects of the digital age and its implication on the workforce & teams
  • Communicate, persuade & motivate team members in hybrid environments 
  • Apply techniques or methods to fulfill the needs of teams that will translate into better business output
  • Build trust, and care genuinely for team members
  • Inspire confidence, trust, and lead from a distance
  • Ways to increase & maintain personal and teams’ productivity

Hi-Po Development Program

Organisations cannot afford to forget the development in High Potentials (Hi-Pos) during this critical time. We are committed to our customers to mobilise and develop their high-potentials and have designed a highly innovative development program for them. This program incorporates the latest in design thinking and innovation in order for the hi-pos to realise a return on investment of at least 200% when implementing their prototypes in the real world. Innovative development options include: 

  • Gamified Experiences
  • Design Thinking workshops, prototyping, and Go-To-Market strategies
  • Pitching to Senior Management
  • Benchmarking
  • VR Collaborative Meetings
  • Role-Play Simulations powered by AI

Contact us at to find out more!

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