🍺 Son 1 – Struggles through life as a drunk
β˜•οΈSon 2 – Becomes a successful, well respected corporate leader

When asked by the journalist who was interviewing them at the same time;

β€˜Why are you the way you are?’

Both Sons responded;

β€˜Because my father was an alcoholic…’

Read the story above again.

My Top 3 Moral Lessons here:

πŸ‘‰ It All about Decisions
πŸ‘‰ Whether You Are Like That, or Not, You are Totally Correct! It is All Up to You!
πŸ‘‰ Our Decisions, Not Our Conditions, that Decide Our Destiny

πŸ€” What are Your Thoughts?

This was my message to a group of Sales People of a credit card company. You can always blame your circumstance, or blame the economy, or blame Covid! But at the end of the day, someone needs to step out to approach customers & excite them of your latest packages with the credit card offered by the bank.

Just this 1 simple story – Some teared & some was left silenced.

Their credit card sign up rate, went up after that!

FollowΒ Michael Teoh Su Lim βœ”οΈ Keynote Speaker πŸ“’ and Mentor πŸ”₯Β andΒ Thriving Talents

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