✔️ ⚠️ We have to be able to admit when we are being toxic, when our insecurities are controlling our behaviours, and when we are being unfair – Blame is great for our own Ego. While Responsibility is Great for Our Future

✔️ ⚠️ Words are the Least Reliable form of Communication – It is Someone’s Energy, Behaviours, Body Language & Silence which will tell us more than other signals – So, Listen Closely

✔️ ⚠️ Regret will Haunt us more than Failure

✔️ ⚠️ A Narcissist will tear us down & rebuild us in a way that is easier to control – Hence, Protect our Boundaries at all costs

✔️ ⚠️ If We continue to Wait until We are Ready. Then, We will be Waiting for the rest of our lives!

✔️ ⚠️ We Don’t Fear New Opportunities, New Love or New Vulnerability. We Fear Old Pain

🤝 🙏 WELCOME BACK to the 1st Day of Work in 2022 & I have want to share my Wishes of Abundance & Hopes with You!

Make 2022 an Amazing Year in What You Do, by Remembering these 6 Truths!

🤔 Wishing You All the Best & Let Me Know If You have Your Own Mantras that We should also be noting & sharing with our Networks here!

Follow Michael Teoh Su Lim ✔️ Keynote Speaker 📢 and Mentor 🔥 and Thriving Talents

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