👉 When I received the mandate to contribute my years of experience to improve the competitiveness & resiliency of our local SMEs here in Malaysia, by Bridging their Gaps with Government entities & influence policies that are ‘Friendlier’ towards our SMEs – I am fully aware that it will a challenging feat!
🙏 But, I am Grateful that I have a community of Seniors, Mentors & Advisors to assist me. From multi-billionaire tycoons, to even the younger entrepreneurs who are more in tuned with the technology & trends of the time – They gave me the confidence & clarity to do what I do, for the National Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM)’s work to assist our 3,000 SME members.
🤝 So, last night, during our 29th Annual Celebration Dinner for the association, my election, into helming the Government Relations Bureau as its Chief, together with my appointment into the Central Committee of its national leadership wing, saw our 8th Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin witnessing & recognising us, for our continued efforts for the SMEs in the country.
Yes – This is a non-for-profit entity, where we don’t draw any commercial benefits from it. Yes – This association work may keep us busy. Yes – We may need to sacrifice a lot of our time for it.
But, we are often reminded that an overwhelming 95.8% of businesses in Malaysia are SMEs & they provide jobs & economic growth to our country – Without which, we will all suffer!
👍 So, this is what I can do, in my part to contribute to the Nation.
Thank You Tan Sri for the Trust & Recognition!
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