I attended a truly special Lunch & Learn session with Malaysia’s Successful Entrepreneurs. Most of them were Past Presidents and part of the Founding Presidential Team of one of Malaysia’s largest SME association, dedicated for Young Entrepreneurs.
🤝 The Malaysia Entrepreneurs Development Association or Persatuan Usahawan Maju Malaysia (PUMM), was set up in 1993 by a group of young entrepreneurs in the early 90s, led by Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew of Country Heights Holdings Berhad.
Since then, the association’s leadership has changed hands, from one Governing Team to the next.
🙏 Today, i hold 2 positions in this 2,800 young SMEs members association; Firstly as the Chief of Government Relations Bureau & secondly, as a Member of the Central Committee.
👉 Interestingly also – DID YOU KNOW? – Our Association was recognized by the Malaysian Book of Records, for having organised the ‘Most Educational Activities Online during the MCO’ to assist our struggling entrepreneurs, cope with the pandemic?
Despite my demanding commitments that i have, with my team, family & for our clients at Thriving Talents, i would always make sure that i get involved with ‘Association Activities’ from time-to-time.
✋ Here are 5 Benefits of Joining Associations.
✔️ 1. Access to education and training. In many cases, membership in an industry association leads directly to advanced education and training programs, which help you maintain your edge and keep your skills sharp and current.
✔️ 2. Access to membership directories. A lot of associations maintain directories, in which members’ businesses are listed. This can help you increase your exposure to new markets and potential clients.
✔️ 3. Competitive advantage. Taking advantage of association resources can help you earn and maintain an edge over non-member competitors, thanks to access to inside information and advanced training opportunities.
✔️ 4. Privileged access to industry events and conferences. You may qualify for discounts or special access to upcoming conferences, trade shows and events in your area.
✔️ 5. Potential cost savings. Some industry associations grant member vendors access to special rates on products and services.
So… What are you waiting for? Join an Industry-linked Association that resonates with you today!
#michaelteoh #thrivingtalents #PUMM #leadership #entrepreneurs #networking #entrepreneurship #nationbuilding #malaysiabookofrecords