🤔 WHY CELEBRATE? – Celebration means to make particular moment rememberable . So that whenever we think about that , multiple pictures and stories of that day come to our mind and give good and happy feeling to our heart.

🥳 WANT MORE HAPPINESS? CELEBRATE WITH OTHERS – These little little celebration make our life easier and joyful . So celebrate every moment of life to give reason yourself to be happy ever.

🎊 🎉 Congratulations to HRD Corp. for the launch of our new Brand that will lift the Aspirations of Talents to be Reskilled, Upskilled, Cross-skilled & Multi-skilled, in order to meet the challenges of the Next Normal, after the Pandemic.

🔥 HRD Corp.’s role in catalysing the nation’s human capital development initiatives are now further recognized & acknowledged by different stakeholders, with the full support coming from the Prime Minister himself.

Once again, we at Thriving Talents will do our part to equip Millennial Generation Talents with the skills & experiences to lead their careers & lives, meaningful in the ever-changing world, in supporting HRD Corp. as one of their Certified Training Solutions Providers since 2012.

Our Congratulatory Support for HRD Corp – Human Resource Development Corporation
CEO Datuk Shahul Dawood, for his Vision to reimagine HRD Corp into a bigger stakeholder to prepare our talents for the future!

#congratshrdcorp #hrdcorp #thrivingtalents #millennials #michaelteoh #training #skills #trainingprovider #upskill #talents #leadership