A story shared by my colleague, containing lessons which i believe are relevant for YOU, if you are:
– Working in a Highly Stressful Environment
– Have Commanding Bosses
– Have Colleagues or Teams who Love to Put the Blame on You
– Have Unreasonable Customers
🤫 — The Story of the Monk and the Boats — 🤐
A monk decides to meditate alone, away from his monastery. So, he takes the boat out to the middle of the look.
He closes his eyes and begins to meditate. He knows he is at peace.
After a few hours of undisturbed silence, he suddenly feels the blow of another boat hitting his own.
With his eyes still closed, he feels his anger beginning to build up. After a few moment of continued disturbence, he opens his eyes and he is ready to scream at the boatman was dared to disturb his meditation.
But when he opened his eyes, he saw that it was an EMPTY BOAT, not anchored, floating in the middle of the lake.
At that moment, the monk reaches a SELF-REALIZATION. He understands that the ANGER was within him. The ‘Anger’ simply needed an External Object or Trigger for the monk to bring it out!
After that, whenever he meets someone who irritates or provokes his anger, he remembers this POWERFUL LESSON:
🙏 ‘The Other Person is Just an Empty Boat. Anger is Inside of Me’
😌 — A message for all of my followers here. Remember —
Allowing Yourself to Live in Anger for a pro-longed period of time & keep going back to those ‘Triggers’ or ‘Negativities’ that opened up that Anger in the first place… Can be equated to:
YOU Drinking Poison Yourself, while Hoping for Your Enemy to Die.
It is NOT How You React to Things. It is How Your RESPOND to Things.
Follow Michael Teoh Su Lim ✔️ Keynote Speaker 📢 and Mentor 🔥 and Thriving Talents
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